Monday, August 31, 2009

Back To School

Today was the first day of classes!

(I took this with my phone :-)

I rode my scooter to campus and I loved the parking situation for the scooter!

(Still need to go get a permit so that I don't get fined if I get pulled over)

I had American heritage which was lame. (It's a freshman GE that I have put off for many years.) Getting in and out was a JOKE! It's in an auditorium and the students waiting to get in block the students inside from getting out... GENIUS! Other than that I had orientation for folk ensemble. I am really excited and I think it's going to be very low key and all sorts of performance fun! The teacher was like this might be hard for some of you who are used to blending into a large musical group and I was like NOPE I can't wait to finally do something at BYU where I actually get to be heard!
I got a new ID... I'm on #5 at BYU (No I haven't lost any...initial, falling apart, new last name, salt lake center, BYU new ID card look) and I have yet to take a good picture!

In other news... my neighbors are officially gone :tear: It was so nice to know I could just run across the hall if I ever needed anything. Hopefully the people who move in are equally as awesome. On that note if any of you blog readers want a new place to live...

That's it everyone...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Miss Kay!

Keylee is 10 months old! I don't have a ton of exciting pictures to share or anything but I thoght I would at least talk about her a bit! I also decided to be patient enough to post videos today.
-Kaylee is VERY busy and get's into EVERYTHING!
-She thinks she is hot stuff whenever she get a chance to walk (with the assistance of things with wheels or smooth bottoms)
-She LOVES people, especially kids.
- She hold her own with older kids and toys. (You should see her when I sub in nursery!)
-She is fabulous at finding candy and gum in the most unexpected places.
-She is very skinny and yet a very good eater! She'll drink any brand of formula at any temperature. She likes any kind of adult food or baby food.
-She loves her Daddy. She really hates to be without either of us.

Always has to help with laundry! (although she gets confused as to when we are pulling out and when we are putting in...)


There is really no way to describe this other than to let you see it... She wasn't very happy so she only does it 3 times before she cries but this huh sound is what she does all day long for no reason!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Life is unpredicable but at least it's never dull

Journaling again...Sorry
Hello Blog reading friends! It has been a little while since I've written a real blog. I haven't had a lot to say because we haven't done exciting things and I was kind of in a little depressed funk and not in the mood to write!

So I finally made up my mind and if I change it again I give ALL of you permission to come smack me.

Here's the story...
For the last 2.5 months I have devoted my life to job hunting. Interview after interview, resume after resume! It has been absolutely MISERABLE. Even jobs that I interviewed well for were turning me down. I had one job that practically started training me and then called and said things have changed and now we aren't hiring. Add that to the fact that I thought we were about 5 seconds away from not having enough money to be alive and it's no wonder I wasn't exactly a blogging maniac.

This led to some serious confusion on my part so naturally I had to ask Heavenly Father what the heck I was doing wrong! Do I just need to be patient or am I way off track? At one point a little thought flickered - finish your dumb degree. I hoped it was just a thought and nothing more but I still entertained the idea for theory purposes only. Despite my resistance, the more I thought about it the more sense it made however, there were still issues. As you may remember one of my reasons for leaving was that I thought my major had dumb classes. If I went back those dumb classes would still need to be taken. NEXT I got a postcard from my department that said DO AN INTERNSHIP! and it was like huh I think real world experience is a brilliant alternative to repetative busy work and pointless reading. Problem solved. Then I told Ryan how stressed I was about money and he said that it was unnecessary. He explained to me where we really are financially and how substantially it differed from where I thought we were. On top of that I realized that going back would A) put my old loans on interest hold, B) make it possible for me to qualify for subsidized loans to pay off Ryan's unsubsidized ones and C) get pell grants while I still qualify.
I had gotten to the point where I was applying for cashier jobs at Ross and when we really thought about it, in the long run it would be so much better for me to have any degree (regardless of how silly the name of it sounds) than to have a year of cashiering experience under my belt. (You know since I got plenty of that done at age 16.)

The cool thing is Ryan will finish his masters at almost exactly the same time as I finish my bachelors! We aren't positive if he will get anything done while he is at home with Kaylee and taking his classes online but I've already had one offer of assistance with the wild child so hopefully it'll all work out.

Other than that the plan is still to someday open a restaurant and be able to afford a house and second child :) I may even put a small studio in the restaurant. YAY

Thursday, August 13, 2009

if you don't have facebook...

... then who the heck are you? :) But since I know G ma Pullan reads this I thought I would include a link to my kaylee album on facebook for your viewing pleasure. I update this album more frequently than my blog with new Kaylee pics.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

more memory lane trips...

Today Kaylee has been impossible! Her first two teeth came in with no problem but lately she in inconsolable! I had to keep her quiet so Ryan could do his school work before going to the part time job he just picked up. Luckily watching this video distracted her from the pain long enough for him to finish.

So do you think she looks more like my baby pictures or his?