Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Someday I'll have it all figured out...

Or at the very least I'll have SOMETHING figured out!

Remember what I was saying about changing my mind every 7.5 seconds? Well what I meant to say is that Ryan and I change out LIVES every 2.2 seconds!

Anyway here's a life update....

As mentioned before, Ryan was accepted to the ARL program to be a teacher but was too late to secure a teaching position for this season so we aren't sure why his life took him on that detour. He is still self employed and just picking up freelance work hre and there. His latest plans include multiple business ventures and a masters in Entertainment Business from Full Sail University. They are very pricey but it is an online program that he can finish in 13 months!

As much as I'm loving being mommy and housewife I find myself having to make some decisions right now. I finally decided against returning to BYU simply because the SRT program there requires me to take many more years of school and about 70% of that schooling will be spent taking music classes that have nothing to do with sound recording. I didn't want Kaylee to be 5 by the time I was ready to get pregnant again. I started researching other schools and I narrowed my choices down to Full Sail University (Yes they also have a killer audio program) or The Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences (CRAS). Full Sail would get me a bachelors in 21 months but it would cost me just under $70,000... yeah I could almost own another condo for that! Add that to the cost of living in florida and Ryan's tuition and your looking at me being a working mom for a long time after graduation so I finally decided against that! If I go to school it will be at CRAS because it's cheaper and I will be done in 47 weeks (but I only get a dimploma and no bachelors from them.)
The big decision that remains now is whether or not we can afford to even send me to CRAS and move to AZ. Ryan still really wants me to get an education in something that could secure me a job if ever needed. This is something that I really love and want to learn about. At the same time, with him going back to school I feel like I should get a job and help pay for our living rather than take out another loan and have us both be in school. Not to mention the idea of moving AGAIN disgusts me. Plus it's SO HOT down in Tempe! I applied for a job today that is actually similar to what I did at Thrive so I am qualified for the position. The pay is $25+/hour so if I get it I think I will stay here and be the breadwinner for a while. Obviously it would be more fun to go to recording school than to work but that's just life...

Mom, Student, Breadwinner...?
We are counseled not to go into debt and we are counseled to get an education. We are also told that family is most important and no success can make up for failure in the home... So if anyone can counsel me on which of these scenarios I should follow or a way I could follow them all I would really appreciate it!

Best plan I've come up with... I work until Ryan finishes up, (Aug 2010) then we move and I go to school in AZ, then I get pregnant (June 2011) and have baby two. This means I don't have to pick up and move for over a year :) Also Kaylee will still be reasonably young when she gets a sibling. Also there will always be one parent available to make money to cover living expenses.

Sorry for the novel, It's journeling for me more than anything :)


Tara said...

The best advice I can give you is to turn it ALL over to the Lord and follow HIS plan and HIS timing.

We left our home, jobs and family and moved to another state to start more schooling when Abbie was three weeks old. None of that was part of the plan Scott and I had mapped out. It was hard just thinking about all of those changes, but when we prayed about just felt good and we were at peace with it.

I can't even begin to tell you how blessed our family has been. We have experienced and learned things I don't think we would have under other circumstances. We would not have chose this path for ourselves, but we are so thankful our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us, even when we might not. Not saying it hasn't been hard and we haven't had to sacrifice, we have...but it all works out.

Don't stress about putting the perfect plan together and sticking to it. Life happens and things change...listen to the Spirit and follow His promptings and your family will be exactly where they need to be.

Sorry, I like to write novels. I just can relate and feel for you! Good luck!

Hightower said...

big choices...I hate them. But I agree, life will into place for you guys. I know you'll make the best decision for your family, and you guys will be ok. I love all the updates though. You just need to trust yourselves ; )

Unknown said...

You will come to know what is best...definitely sounds like some difficult figuring to do. It's such a blessing to know that there is One who knows the consequence of each decision and can/will help us navigate the coarse. Sometimes it takes time but, I am positive it will all come clearly into view in due time...the hard work and patience is always the hardest for me though! Good Luck. Alyssa