Friday, March 21, 2008


There are really only a select handful of people who know the information you are privileged to be reading right now, but let's be honest I need somewhere to whine. The little blueberry sized thing growing inside my uterus is causing way more pain than I ever expected. My poor husband and my poor self never sleep any more because I'm crying all night long. I have a very hateful relationship towards food right now because nothing ever sounds good but if I don't eat I get VERY SICK!!!!!! The little child has forced me to change a lot of my plans for the future including my unknown graduation date...yikes! Any way I'm hoping I will feel a little more affection for the thing in 2 months when it stops being such a hindrance in my life! WISH ME LUCK



The Skousens said...

I feel for you...however, I never threw-up much, but I am always nauseous (not until this last week has the nausea gotten a little it's extreme heartburn that I have issues with). Sometimes I can't even lay down at night because I feel like I am going to throw up my dinner. I also have pregnancy acne like no other...why is it that doing such a good thing and bringing a baby into the world causes so much pain, lol! Well, good luck with everything...I hope that you feel better!!!

The Skousens said...

P.S. I'm peeing at the picture of the baby on the looks like a tadpole right now!

Hightower said...

yay!! Congratulations! We are so happy for you and can't wait until your little one arrives!!!!

Lindsay said...

Congratulations Stacie! This is Lindsay Moore...formerly Lindsay McGuire! When are you due?? I'm sorry that you're sick. :(


Yes I knew it! I am so excited for you! I bet it is painful! I'm sorry about that but when you give birth it will be the best thing and the most amazing thing ever! I got to see my sisters baby be born! Well keep me updated! Yeah! Thats crazy!